Friday, May 18, 2012


1.  Can't provide you with legal advice unless he first consults with his parole officer.
2.  Law school degree on wall issued by correspondence course from University of Tierra Del Fuego.
3.  Advises you to cop a plea to involuntary manslaughter when you are consulting with him about a contract case.
4.  On his office stationery he has a nickname of "Bud", "Chip", or "Skip" printed in quotation marks between his first and last name.
5.  Drafts all legal documents with quill pen on parchment.
6.  Claims to specialize in space law but will still handle your case.
7.  Wears English barrister wig and black robe when at the office.
8.  Ankle bracelet sets off metal detector when he goes to the courthouse.
9.  Law office located in a van down by the river.
10.  Furiously pounds a gavel on his desk whenever you make an inquiry about your bill.

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